How to take screen grabs from a recipe video to generate still photos.

Steps for taking screen grabs using VLC Media Player on a Mac:

  • Go to and download and install the VLC media player. VLC media player is 100% free open-source software which has been downloaded over 3 billion times and it's very safe and reputable.


  • Open a recipe video (ideally the Textless version which we provide) in the VLC media player, then pause the video during the frame of your choice. You can tap or hold E to move through the video frame by frame. You can tap the space bar to pause or un-pause the video.


  • Click 'Video' on the VLC menu at the top of the screen, then go about halfway down the sub-menu and click 'Snapshot'.


  • Alternately, you can press the following keys all at once to take a screen grab: Command+Alt+S


  • VLC will automatically generate a high resolution .png image and save it to your Pictures folder on your Mac. (/Users/YOURNAME/Pictures). The photo will be called vlcsnap, followed by the date.

Steps for taking screen grabs using VLC Media Player on a PC:

  • Go to and download and install the VLC media player. VLC media player is 100% free open-source software which has been downloaded over 3 billion times and it's very safe and reputable.


  • Open a recipe video (ideally the Textless version which we provide) in the VLC media player, then pause the video during the frame of your choice. You can tap or hold E to move through the video frame by frame. You can tap the space bar to pause or un-pause the video.


  • Click 'Video' on the VLC menu at the top of the screen, then go to the bottom of the sub-menu and click 'Take Snapshot'.


  • Alternately, you can press the Shift and S keys at the same time to take a screen grab.


  • VLC will automatically generate a high resolution .png image and save it to your Pictures folder on your PC. (/Users/YOURNAME/Pictures). The photo will be called vlcsnap, followed by the date.